ART4EMOTION consortium integrates 9 partners from 3 European countries (ES, PT, IT) from 3 typologies: CCOs, schools & experts in research & promotion of innovation in education / entrepreneurship & capacity building of educational staff.

INOVA+ is the Portuguese leading company. Works in the promotion and management of international projects of Innovation, Education and Training, and Research and Technological Development. The company’s mission is to provide the knowledge, management capacity, partnerships and technical and financial support needed to ensure successful innovation projects to its customers.

GAIAC is a non-profit, all-volunteer association that has been growing for 18 years with the contribution of members who have participated in international projects. The management bodies are committed to cultural, dynamic and solidarity-based projects. It is based in Vila Nova de Gaia, but has developed projects in several locations, previously, in articulation with local structures. What distinguishes us is the use of art forms and creative expression to enhance the development of activities of personal and social integration, promoting inclusion and interculturality. In this context, we have collaborated with schools and different institutions, taking with us the tools of non-formal education.

The Escola Secundária de Paços de Ferreira (ESPF) is the Associated School (EA) of two Prison Establishments (EP): Paços de Ferreira Prison Establishment and Vale do Sousa Prison, with the pedagogical coordination of the School. The teaching population it´s composed by 160 teachers, of whom about 140 belong to the School Board. The average age is close to 45 years and the average number of years of teaching service is 23 years. It is located in the municipality of Paços de Ferreira, in the district of Porto. It is considered the largest diffuser centre of the furniture industry - "CAPITAL DO MÓVEL" - throwing the rural and agricultural side into the background.

Café de las Artes Teatro (CdAT) is both an independent theatre and a company that produces its own projects at a small city in the north of Spain, Santander. It’s focused on four main axes of activities: Programme (showing at our theatre the newest creations from companies within and outside Spain), creation (our productions and artistic residencies for other local, national and International companies), social mediation (spectactors groups, feedback sessions) and education (workshops for professionals and theatre studio).

Altamira school is placed in the north of Spain, Cantabria. It attends students from 3 to 16 years old (kindergarden, primary and secondary). It is a small familiar school with 350 students and 29 teachers.
Altamira school is the result of the enthusiasm and work of a group of teachers, who two decades ago, supported by a group of families decided to shape the project.

VIROLAI SCHOOL is the leader of the project. The school relies on holistic education, which is understood and applied as the process to reach optimum results from each student, in all the areas that form the unity of a person, through effort and with the support and collaboration of families and the School.

La Xixa Teatre Association is a non-profit organisation created in 2010, oriented towards the research, development and multiplication of theatrical tools and popular education as a means of social transformation. Objectives and values: We are a multidisciplinary and multicultural group of collaborators trained in the field of social sciences, pedagogy and art. We carry out workshops for diverse groups, training of trainers and artistic actions at local and international level around five main axes...

I.I.S. “E. Duni - C. Levi” is the oldest secondary school in the city of Matera. As an academic state school, its historical mission is to offer a qualified and prestigious education. The school is based on a 5-year-curriculum, involving learners from 14 to 19 years old and it offers two main courses: Liceo Classico, focusing on the core study of Humanities and STEAM (in particular classical languages and literatures) and Liceo Artistico, granting a creative and artistic training in different areas like Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Design, Media Communication.

Materahub is a strategic design hub working to foster local development by promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, networking and cross-fertilization.
The experience of Materahub professional team is focused on culture and creative sector, cultural heritage, tourism, social innovation, innovation in education and enterprise and all those economic sectors which are relevant for the growth and wealth of the community.