About art4emotion
ART4EMOTION project aims to respond to the impact of COVID-19 on the social-emotional and mental well-being of young people, by using creativity and arts as innovative tools to improve their emotional and social skills. The main goal of the project meets the horizontal priority by fostering cooperation between School Education and the Cultural and Creative sector to endorse students’ interpersonal skills. This project seeks to promote inclusion and diversity in school education.

Creativity, arts and culture

Key competences development

Cooperation educational institutions - cultural operators

The 9 partners that make up the project art4emotion have developed together an Activity Toolbox designed to help students deal with emotions through art and facilitate the teaching-learning process. The toolbox can be used both inside and outside of the classroom context, and we assume that long-term changes are more likely to happen if this activity is focused on the educators and during the normal classroom schedule.
In addition, the partners have developed a Practical Guide that will be used to support artists, teachers, counselors and other school agents, in the implementation of the atelier, enabling them to extract the full potential of each activity and each student.